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tamoadmin 2024-07-26 人已围观

简介1.《只有一个地球》读后感2.介绍南京的旅游景点英语 南京著名景点英语介绍3.the weather in wuhan4.从武昌到黄陂怎么坐车啊?当然推荐中南民大啦!!虽然我是湖南人,但我还是要说武汉的氛围好些,重点本科就7所,民大也算是半个重本(很多省市一本招生,包括湖北),没事的话,去蹭蹭课都好啦~ 讲座啥的也会比长沙多。别窝在湖南呀《只有一个地球》读后感语文期末试题(90分钟内完成,满分10


2.介绍南京的旅游景点英语 南京著名景点英语介绍

3.the weather in wuhan




虽然我是湖南人,但我还是要说武汉的氛围好些,重点本科就7所,民大也算是半个重本(很多省市一本招生,包括湖北),没事的话,去蹭蹭课都好啦~ 讲座啥的也会比长沙多。







luò tuó wān yán ɡònɡ xiàn shāo huǐ shùn jiān

chénɡ fá pí láo biàn lùn xī ɡài yú chǔn

2、给带点的字选择正确的读音,并用“ √ ”标出。(4分)

浙江(zhé zhè) 啄食(zhuó zuó) 栖息(qī xī) 剥皮(bā bāo)


nán( ) juàn( ) sāi( ) tán( )

难 圈 塞 弹

nàn( ) quān( ) sài( ) dàn( )


忘( ) 绕( ) ( ) 徽( )

妄( ) 饶( ) 睬( ) 微( )

5、先将成语中的错别字用“_”标出,并把正确的字写在( )里。(4分)

清撤见底( ) 赏心阅目( ) 气极败坏( ) 攻棋不备( )

具精会神( ) 鱼惯而行( ) 迷或不解( ) 波阑壮阔( )

6、在( )里填上合适的词语。(8分)

( )的鲜花 ( )地奔跑 表演得( ) 尽情地( )

7、选择题。把正确答案的序号写在( )里。(4分)

(1)用部首查字法查字,“攀”字应先查( )

A、“ 栈”字部 B、 “ 大 ”字部 C、“ 林 ”字部 D、“ 手 ”字部


一只美丽的蝴蝶,( )落在了小姑娘那胖乎乎的手上。

A、竟然 B、果然 C、自然

(3)“菊东篱下,悠然见南山。”是( )的诗句。

A、王维 B、苏轼 C、陶渊明 D、白居易

(4) 下面句子中引号的作用是( )


A、表示引用 B、表示特定的称谓 C、表示特殊含义













② 虽然......但是.......



①爱人者,人恒爱之; 。

②水滴穿石— 。


“童孙未解供耕织, 。”诗句选自宋代诗人范成大的《

》。其中“未解”的意思是 。“供”的意思是 。诗句的意思是: 。




有一次,我用医生的听诊器,静听自己的心跳,那一声声沉稳而有规律的跳动,给我极大的震撼,( )。我可以好好地使用它,也可以白白地糟蹋它。一切全由自己决定,我必须对自己负责。



慌张——( ) 爱惜——( )

3、这段话主要写 (1分)






母亲听到儿子的喷嚏声可急了 已经感冒了吧 怎么这么不听话 从小就不爱加衣服 絮絮叨叨,从他七岁时的“劣迹”说起。老王赶紧截住母亲的话:“妈,你那边天气怎么样呀?”老人回答道:“雪还在下呢!”






急忙——( ) 到达——( )


老王深深牵挂的是北风尚未抵达的武汉的儿子....... ( )

A、拉 B、牵涉 C、挂念


(2分) 5、给短文加一个题目,最合适的一项是( )。 (填序号) (1分)

A、母亲的电话 B、父亲的唠叨 C、牵挂 D、电话

6、文中表现老王和老母亲说话时共同特点的一个词语是 。(1分)




题目: ,我想对你说





介绍南京的旅游景点英语 南京著名景点英语介绍








the weather in wuhan


梅园:Lo, north lean on the south by the lake in wuxi city center, is apart from the longshan 5 kilometers, the transportation is convenient. China's national industry head of household rong zongjing and rong desheng ZhongKun in for the world of the organizing HongYuan, cloth fang in 1912 purchase was built in the garden, relies on the mountain plant mei, mei adorn mountain, called lo. The new century lo hengshan scenic spot set to become the natural landscape, historical sites, so different ou, landscape architecture and leisure fitness in one of the famous tourist resort.

雨花台:YuHuaTai is China's new-democratic revolution memorial place, is key cultural relic preservation organ, the patriotism education demonstration base, national aaaa-grade tourism and the first hundred red tourism scenic area, is a collection of classical education, trel, leisure and entertainment for the integration of jiangsu provincial memorial scenic spot.

夫子庙:Confucius temple namely, it is enshrined temple sacrifices and Confucius place. Confucius temple was built in song dynasty, Confucius temple is located in the north shore beside qinhuai river GongYuan street. Confucius temple in before the temple for the PanChi, sits qinhuai river stone wall for zhaobi, span 110 meters, 20 metres high, is the national zhaobi most. North star has gathered before the temple LeTing kiosks, thinking, On the central built lingxingmeng, dacheng door, DaChengDian, mingde hall, honour JingGe construction; Another temple and east kuixing cabinet.

朝天宫:In nanjing, jiangsu province water Simon inside. According to legend had had built FuCha peloponnesos prince of smelting city, jin built ouzhi city temple, tang tai qing palace, the five dynasties prince changes in its YangPu built purple extremely palace. SongDaZhong temple-xiang (1008 ~ 1016) between, renamed temple-xiang palace, the renewal another kei view, yuan yuan zhen (1295 ~ 1296) years, change the forehead abstruse view, find liters dayuan xing YongShou palace.

瞻园:Giuliano garden is a national units of cultural relics protection. Is emperor qianlong OuYangXiuShi "look forward to YuTang, such as in heen" named. Located in nanjing south ZhanYuanLu. Sits, 127 meters wide, deep things 15621 square meters, with a total area of 123 meters. So far there he been six hundred years history. Giuliano garden is a group of nanjing remaining well-preserved Ming dynasty classical garden architectures, and wuxi JiChangYuan, suzhou zhuozhengyuan and lingering and called "chiangnan four classical gardens".

中山陵:Sun yat-sen mausoleum is roc sun yat-sen, the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution of sun yat-sen mausoleum, located in the south east, nanjing city, jiangsu province, bordering on Friday MingXiaoLing, east perez-uzza soul valley temple. In 1926, January start building, in 1929 June 1st at FengAn p.85. 1961 become national key units of cultural relics protection.

李香君故居:LiXiangJun former residence is located in Confucius temple chao library street 38, is listed as municipal units of cultural relics protection, since after opening, visit the incense jun former residence, drive-trelers here hosted many cultural celebrities, leing many calligraphy handwriting. There is a temple of Taiwan compatriots, back ShengQin visited MDM incense, said: "not direct mainland and this kind of exotic vision." estates, A former embassy in the ny attaches after this visit, putting pen to write: "historic legend, jiangnan JueJing." Nanjing forestry university an old man came to a lyric, impromptu compartmentallized.the: "LiuShao green, mei, romantic fragrance floor lamp, boat OARS qinhuai shadow, wife-or-sweetheart makeup stage, silk fan where... heart sweat bamboo difficult buried..." And if LiXiangJun jiuquan knew, is enough to comfort her that faint pathos the inexhaustible creative power as well


Full trelling information of Nanjing

Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu Province, is situated in the golden Yangtze River Delta. The city plays an important role in the economy, transportation and education of the east part of China, and is said to be the second largest commercial port in the East China following Shanghai. With its majestic landscapes and epic history and cultures, it has become a hotspot for tourists who always fall in love with the city.

General Information

Nanjing occupies an area of about 6.6 thousand sq km. (1.6 million acres), with a opulation of more than 6 million. Known as one of China's 'Three Stoves' (the others are Chongqing and Wuhan, Nanjing's temperatures in summer can reach a high of over 40 Celsius degree (104 F. degree) while the coldest days in winter can drop to less than minus 10 Celsius degree (14 F. degree). It still has a regular rainy season from June to July every year. So the spring and autumn are the more forable times to visit weather-wisely and autumn is especially scenic when the maple lees turn bright red.


Nanjing is one of the best-known ancient capital cities in China and vaunts a long history and deep cultures. The excation of the skulls of ancient prehistoric men in the city dates Nanjing's civilization back to 350 thousand years ago. The city itself was built more than 2,400 years ago in the area southwest of the huge Zhonghua Gate. The gate was critical for many military functions. Since the third century AD, ten dynasties in China, including the epochal Republic of China founded by Sun Yat-sen, established Nanjing as their capital.




南京占地约6.6万平方公里的面积. (1.6万英亩),与超过600万opulation.被誉为中国的“三炉”(其他是重庆和武汉在夏天南京的温度可以达到摄氏度(104楼程度)的高超过40,而在冬季的最冷的天可下降到低于零下10摄氏度之一度(14楼程度),它仍然有一个定期雨季从6月至7月,每年因此,春季和秋季是更有利的时候,天气明智和访问,当枫叶转鲜红色,秋天尤其是景区.




Nanjing Facts

Nanjing is situated in the hilly areas of Nanjing and Zhenjiang in the lower reaches of Yangtze River,at 32:03N and 118:46E. It borders with the Yangtze River Delta to the east and the hilly areas of South Anhui to the west,adjacent to the water network of Taihu Lake in the south and the Jianghuai Plain in the north. With the "golden waterway" Yangtze River flowing through the city,it is 380km from the Yangtze River estuary to the sea,and about 300km to Shanghai,the largest city of China.

Administration Zones

Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province,now has under its jurisdiction eleven districts of Xuanwu,Baixia,Jianye,Gulou,Qinhuai,Xiaguan,Yuhuatai,Qixia,Jiangning,Luhe and Pukou and two counties of Lishui and Gaocun. The total area is 6598 square kilometers,including 4728 square kilometers as urban area,and its total population is 6.4 million.


Nanjing,an ancient capital of China,enjoys a worldwide reputation for its history and culture. Archaeological findings show that human ancestors lived in Nanjing area around 300,000 years ago,and primitive villages took shape 6000 years ago. These inhabitants were the original local people. From then on,people lived and multiplied in this area generation after generation.

In 472 B. C.,under Goujian (King of State Yue)'s order,a city historically called "Yue City" was built on the site of Rain Flower Terrace. That is the earliest record of city construction in Nanjing area,and by now it has a history of 2,470 years. During the Three Kingdoms Period,Dongwu (Eastern Wu) moved its capital to Nanjing - called "Jianye" then,in 229 A. D.. Thereafter,dynasties like Dongjin (Eastern Jin),Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,Nantang (Southern Tang - in Five Dynasties Period),Ming,Taiping Heenly capital Kingdom and Republic of China in turn,established their capital here. In the past 1,700 years,Nanjing has achieved its fame as "an ancient capital of ten dynasties". Dynasties waxed and waned,thus left rich legacy of ancient times. Abundant historic relics date back to many stirring stories and epic legends of the past.

During Ming Dynasty,Nanjing got its present name for the first time. Over the long period of history,it had other names like Moling,Stone City,Jianye,Jiankang,Baixia,Shangyuan,Shenzhou,Jiangning,Jiqing,Yingtian and Tianjing. Its name might be different,yet the city itself kept being outstanding for its ancient history,brilliant culture,beautiful scenery and great achievements - therefore,it holds an important place in Chinese history.

Confucius[k_0_5n’fu∫j_0_5s 孔子] temple[templ寺庙 ] the Qinhuai river scenic[si:nik风光 ] area[ε_0_5 ri_0_5 地带]


1:The Confucius temple, located [lou’keitid位于]at the Qinhuai River scenic[si:nik风景的] area,


2:is a well-known tourist[tu:rist旅游者 ] resort[ri’zэ:t常去度的地方 ] of the ancient capital Nanjing .


3the river banks of Qinhuai are known for Confucius Temple


4and jointly[ d3эintli连带地] called the Confucius temple area.


5the Confucius temple is no dou[ daut 怀疑] the most famous.


6The temple is the place for people to pay worship[w_0_5:∫ip 崇拜] to Confucius.


7:The Confucius temple here in Nanjing was first built in 1034


8and rebuilt[ri:blt重建] in 1986


9The temple we often mentioned[men∫_0_5n提出] should include[inklu:d包括] three architectural [a:kitekt∫_0_5r_0_5建筑]complexes[kэmpleks群,综合体]:


10the temple of Confucius with the hall of great achievements[_0_5’t∫i:vm_0_5nt大成] as the main [mein主要的]body,


11the palace[p_0_3lis宫殿] of learning and the imperial[impi_0_5ri_0_5l帝国] examination [igz_0_3mi’nei∫_0_5n考试]center.




My hometown is WuHan.WuHan is a beautiful place.

And is also very hot in the summer.So,I often go swimming.In winter, the weather is cold,but the snow is very beautiful and it's white,I like white very much.Summerand winter is my fourite season.In spring, it's warm,the sun is shinning.

every things are very beautiful.In autaum,the weather is cool,the lees are falling,and it's also beaotiful.I like WUHAN,Ilike WUHAN's weather for four seasons.
